Sydney's Scrapbook Page 4

Sydney's Page

Here's Sydney playing with her best friend, Kody ( a Great Pyrenees)! Despite their obvious size differences, they play well together and are the best of friends!

Steve Maureen and Sydney

Here's a group shot of our family near the holidays (2001 - 2002).

Sydney looking for rabbits!

Here's Sydney, surveying her territory on a cold day (just below freezing) in February, 2002. She's looking for rabbits! There's no better way to start the day then to give a good chase to a couple of rabbits!

Sydney in bed!

This is how Sydney watches us get ready for work in the morning. She's hoping we'll stay home for the day, but she knows better and gives us her sad eyes...

Maureen with Sydney's cousin Klause!

Here's Maureen while we were dog sitting Sydney's cousin, Klause for the week!

Made on a Mac! Last updated: March 25, 2002
Copyright © 1995 - 2002 Steve Seidel All rights reserved.