2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Kurt: "Steve, are you all right? You're looking a little green..."
Mike: "Steve, you can't get sick! Whose going to bait my hook now?"
Bill: "Steve, Did I ever tell you the story about the guy eating a mayonaise sandwich?"

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Coming up for air, but still not feeling so good...

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

There's the first catch of the day. As always, Kurt strikes first with a big one!

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Steve: "Hey uncle Mike, Did you catch anything yet?"
Mike: "Don't worry turkey, I'll get one yet! Besides, you should have seen the 30' Mooray eel I had on the line!"
Bob: "Who put me next to this Jack Ass?"

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Bill decides to start getting serious as he lights a cigarette and struggles with a big Blue fish on the line!
Bill: "I can't let Mike beat me again this year!"

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Uncle Mike makes the catch of the day!
Mike: "Hey Kurt, Anything you can do, I can do twice as good!"
Mike whispers to Steve: "Psst... Hey Steve, you're good with Photoshop, right?"

2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Group picture of the 2000 Deep Sea Fishing Trip!


Most fish caught out of the group: Kurt (3 Bluefish)
Biggest fish caught (if only in his own mind: Mike (Fake big bluefish)
Honorable Mention: Mike's 30' Mooray Eel

Made on a Mac! Last updated: July 26, 2000

Copyright © 1995 - 2000 Steve Seidel All rights reserved.
E-Mail: steve@seidel.com